- +44 20 8144 9907
- Mon - Sat 9:00 AM - 6.00 PM / Closed on Sunday
Greenhills Nursery Ltd.
Plants and Trees
Espalier a Half Standard more mature Apple/Pear/Cherry/Plum
Half standard more mature espalier fruit.
Clear stem 100 cm Total Height 200-220 cm
4 Layers 150 cm wide
Frame 120 cm tall and 150 cm wide.
Varieties :
Apple Elstar, Cox Orange, Boskoop, Beauty of Boskoop
Plum Victoria, Opal, Mirabelle de Nancy
Pear Conference, Clapps Favourite, Beurre Hardy
Cherry Kordia, Burlat,Regina
Please ring for potgrown availability in Summer.
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