• +44 20 8144 9907
  • Mon - Sat 9:00 AM - 6.00 PM / Closed on Sunday

Hedge plants bare root and potgrown.

In 1947 Archie Aitkins, returning from war service, bought Tilhill House at Tilford and 20 acres of land on which he established a nursery with the name Tilhill to grow the trees he was unable to locate elsewhere. Soon he was supplying young trees to plant vast areas throughout the UK. This necessitated a move to larger premises at Greenhills. The Nursery is now a supplier of plants and products for garden and landscape purposes as well as forestry. Greenhills is a British hardwood tree nursery and softwood tree nursery with a large production of seedlings and transplants plus whips for forestry and amenity usage. Woodland improvement and woodland planting is of major importance to us. Our plants are used in Parks, Farms, Nurseries and lots of other schemes. For bulk please ask for a quote on 02081449907

We supply:

Farmers & Landowners , Nurseries, Private people, Landscapers , Carbon Offset Companies , Landscape Architects , Specifiers Forestry Contractors , Professional Advisors , Charitable Organisations , Councils & Public Bodies , Land Agents

We are currently accepting orders for bare root plants for delivery : October - April  For wholesale demand please ask for a quotation by email  sales@greenhills-nursery.co.ukThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   or phone :  02081449907

For native hedging and amenity there may be government grants available. The Forestry Commission can inform you about these grants. We will be pleased to quote for native hedges or amenity plants by email or phone/fax.

Planting numbers per meter for bare root hedge trees. (based on averages) Potgrown where stated! 40/60 4 plants or 5 plants for a double row. 60/80/120 4 plants or 5 plants for a double row. 120/150 4 plants or 5 plants for a double row. 150/180 4 plants 180/+ 4 plants  Bare root sizes shown measured top to bottom inclusive of roots.



Results 41 - 50 of 78

Bare Root/Potgrown Hedging

Price including VAT: £45.60
VAT amount: £7.60
Total Tax: £7.60
Price including VAT: £3.60
VAT amount: £0.60
Total Tax: £0.60

Populus tremula 60-100 cm

Aspen, Quaking aspen.

Price including VAT: £3.60
VAT amount: £0.60
Total Tax: £0.60
Price including VAT: £2.22
VAT amount: £0.37
Total Tax: £0.37
Price including VAT: £7.80
VAT amount: £1.30
Total Tax: £1.30
Price including VAT: £10.80
VAT amount: £1.80
Total Tax: £1.80
Price including VAT: £31.20
VAT amount: £5.20
Total Tax: £5.20
Price including VAT: £22.80
VAT amount: £3.80
Total Tax: £3.80
Price including VAT: £20.40
VAT amount: £3.40
Total Tax: £3.40
Price including VAT: £19.20
VAT amount: £3.20
Total Tax: £3.20