- +44 20 8144 9907
- Mon - Sat 9:00 AM - 6.00 PM / Closed on Sunday
Greenhills Nursery Ltd.
Plants and Trees
Main Menu
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- Bamboo & Grasses
- Briza maxima - Potgrown
- Briza subaristata Potgrown Ht 40 cm
- Calamagrostis Karl Foerster Pot grown
- Cortaderia selloana Pot grown
- Fargesia nitida - Potgrown,
- Festuca californica Pot grown
- Festuca Glauca Pot grown
- Hakonechloa macra Aureola Pot grown
- Liriope muscari Pot grown
- Miscanthus Morning Light Pot grown
- Ophiopogon planiscarpus Niger Pot grown
- Pennisetum orientale Pot grown
- Phyllostachys aurea - Pot
- Phyllostachys Bissetti 180/220 cm- Pot grown
- Phyllostachys Decora - Pot, 180-220 cm
- Phyllostachys nigra - Potgrown
- Phyllostachys Vivax Aureocalis 180/220 cm- Pot grown
- Pseudosasa japonica - Potgrown
- Stipa arundinacea Pot grown
- Stipa barbata Pot grown
- Stipa tenuissima Pot grown
- Conifer Plants
- Abies alba 200-240 cm RB
- Abies concolor 200-250 cm RB
- Abies fraseri pack 100 plants x mas transplants
- Abies koreana RB / Pot grown
- Abies nobilis 'Glauca' - Root balled/Potgrown - 150/180 cm
- Abies nobilis Glauca Root balled - 240/260 cm
- Abies nobilis pack x mas transplants 2+1
- Abies nordmanniana pack x mas transplants
- Abies Nordmanniana RB/Potgrown
- Abies veitchii - 70 cm Pot grown
- Araucaria araucana - Root balled/Potgrown
- Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' - Root balled/Potgrown - 200/250 cm
- Cedrus atlantica Glauca RB/Potgrown
- Cedrus deodara RB/Pot grown
- Cedrus deodara 'Pendula' - Root balled/Potted - 200/250 cm
- Cedrus deodara Aurea RB/Potgrown
- Cedrus libani, pot grown / root balled
- Cryptomeria Japonica 150/180 cm Potgrown
- Cryptomeria Japonica Cristata 150/180 cm Potgrown
- Cupressus sempervirens pot grown / root balled
- Juniperus Blue Alps Pot grown
- Juniperus communes , pot grown / root balled
- Juniperus Gold Coast 30 cm Pot grown
- Juniperus Hibernica , pot grown / root balled
- Juniperus virginiana 'Skyrocket' - Root balled/Potted - 200/250
- Juniperus virginiana Blue Arrow, pot grown / root balled
- Juniperus Wiltonii Pot grown
- Larix Blue Dwarf 100 cm Pot grown
- Larix Decidua Puli 150 cm Pot grown
- Larix eurolepis 90 cm Pot grown
- Larix Laricina Arethusa Bog 180 cm Pot grown
- Larix Leptolepis 100 cm Pot grown
- Larix Stiff Weeper 150 cm Pot grown
- Metasequoia glyptostroboides 1.50-1.80 m , Pot grown
- Metasequoiia Glyptostroboides 120/150 cm Pot grown
- Picea abies 100 plants 20/40 cm x mas transplants
- Picea abies 50 plants 20/40 cm x mas cellgrown
- Picea abies 60 cm Pot grown
- Picea Breweriana 40 cm Pot grown
- Picea glauca Albertiana 80/90 cm RB/Pot grown
- Picea omorica 50 plants 20/40 cm x mas transplants
- Picea Omorika 150 cm RB/Pot grown
- Picea Orientalis Aurea RB/Pot grown
- Picea pungens 'Hoopsii' - Root balled
- Picea pungens Glauca 2+1 100 x mas transplants
- Picea pungens Glauca Globosa - Root balled/Potted - 130cm
- Pseudotstuga menziesii 100 plants 20/40 cm x mas transplants
- Sequoiadendron giganteum 100 cm Pot grown
- Taxodium distichum 100 cm Pot grown
- Taxus Aurea, Golden Yew , pot grown / root balled
- Taxus baccata Fastigiata Aurea, pot grown / root balled
- Taxus baccata Fastigiata, pot grown / root balled
- Taxus baccata, specimen pot grown / root balled
- Taxus fastigiata Robusta RB/PG
- Thuja Golde Globe 30 cm Pot grown
- Thuja orientalis pyramidalis Aurea 180-210 cm root balled/PG
- Thuja Tiny Tim 30 cm Pot grown
- Tsuga canadensis 80 cm Pot grown
- Fruit edible
- Hedging & Whips
- Bare Root/Potgrown Hedging
- A Carpinus betulus Hornbeam
- A Crataegus hawthorn
- A Fagus purple beech
- A Fagus sylvatica Beech
- A Hedge Pack anti intruders
- A Hedge Pack native 100 plants
- A Hedge Pack native all year 100
- Acer campestre 50-100 cm Pack 10 plants
- Acer campestre 90-120 cm
- Acer campestre - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Acer negundo 50-100 cm Pack 10 plants
- Acer palmatum rootstocks 6/9 mm Pack 10 plants
- Alnus glutinosa 60-100 cm Pack 10 plants
- Alnus glutinosa 60-100 cm Potgrown
- Berberis julianae 30/50 cm Pack 10 plants
- Berberis thunb. atropurpurea 30/50 cm Pack 10 plants
- Berberis thunbergii 30/50 cm Pack 10 plants
- Betula pendula 60-100 cm Pack 10 plants
- Betula pendula - Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (bare root)
- Cornus sanguinea 40-70 cm Pack 10 plants
- Cornus sanguinea - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Corylus avellana 50-90 cm Pack 10 plants
- Corylus avellana - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cotoneaster franchettii 40-70 cm Pack 10 plants
- Cotoneaster horizontalis 20-40 cm bare root Pack 25 plants
- Euonymus europaeus 50-100 cm Pack 10 plants
- Euonymus europaeus - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Hippophae rhamnoides - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Hippophae rhamnoides 40-90 cm Pack 10 plants
- Ilex Aquifolium 30-50 cm PG Pack 10 plants
- Juglans regia 40-80 cm Pack 25 plants
- Laburnum anagyroides 40-70 cm Pack 25 plants
- Ligustrum ovalifolium Aureum bare root
- Ligustrum ovalifolium bare root
- Ligustrum vulgare bare root
- Lonicera nitida 20-50 cm Pack 25 plants
- Malus sylvestris 50-100 cm Pack 10 plants
- Malus sylvestris 50-100 cm Potgrown
- Picea abies 2+1 transplants Pack 25 plants
- Picea pungens Glauca 2+1 transplants Pack 25 plants
- Populus nigra Italica 60-120 cm
- Populus tremula 60-100 cm
- Prunus spinosa 90-120 cm
- Prunus spinosa - Potgrown, 50-80 cm
- Prunus spinosa Pack 10 plants 40-80 cm
- Pyracantha tall Hedge - Potgrown, 150-180 cmcm
- Pyrus communis 60-90 cm Pack 10 plants
- Rhamnus catharticus 40-60 cm Pack 10 plants
- Rhamnus frangula 60-90 cm Pack 10 plants
- Rhamnus frangula - Pot,grown 60-90 cm
- Robinia pseudoacacia 60-120 cm Pack 10 plants
- Rosa canina - Pot,grown 40-60 cm
- Rosa canina 40-60 cm Pack 10 plants
- Rosa Laxa pack 25
- Rosa rugosa 40-60 cm Pack 10 plants
- Rosa rugosa - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Rose budding stems pack 10
- Salix alba 60-120 cm Pack 10 plants
- Salix caprea 60-120 cm Pack 10 plants
- Salix caprea - Potgrown, 60-90 cm
- Salix cinerea 60-120 cm Pack 10 plants
- Salix purpurea 'Nana' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Salix viminalis 60-120 cm Pack 10 plants
- Sambucus nigra 50-100 cm Pack 10 plants
- Sambucus nigra - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Sambucus racemosa - Potgrown, 50-80 cm
- Sorbus Aria 40-70 cm Pack 10 plants
- Sorbus aucuparia 50-100 cm Pack 10 plants
- Sorbus aucuparia - Potgrown, 60-90 cm
- Sorbus torminalis 50-90 cm
- Symphoricarpos albus 40-60 cm Pack 10 plants
- Thuja plicata, bare root
- Tilia cordata 50-100 cm Pack 10 plants
- Viburnum lantana 40/80 cm Pack 10 plants
- Viburnum lantana - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Viburnum opulus 40/80 cm Pack 10 plants
- Viburnum opulus - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Conifer Hedging
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris' - Potgrown / root balled
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ivonne' - Potgrown / root balled
- Cupressocyparis (x) leylandii 'Golden' - Pot grown / root balled
- Cupressocyparis (x) leylandii - Pot grown / root balled
- Taxus baccata, yew pot grown / root balled
- Taxus media Hicksii, pot grown / root balled
- Thuja Brabant , pot grown / root balled
- Thuja Giant Green - pot grown / root balled
- Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' - pot grown / root balled
- Thuja occidentalis Sunkist Rb/Potgrown
- Thuja plicata - pot grown / root balled
- Thuja plicata Atrovirens - pot grown / root balled
- Thuja plicata Excelsa- pot grown / root balled
- Thuja plicata Zebrina pot grown / root balled
- Thuja Yellow Ribbon pot grown / root balled
- Evergreen Hedging
- Buxus Faulkner
- Buxus Sempervirens (RB/pot grown)
- Griselinia littoralis Pot grown
- Ilex Aquifolium Alaska (pot grown/root balled)
- Ilex Aquifolium (pot grown/root balled)
- Laurus nobilis (pot grown/root balled)
- Magnolia Grandiflora Hedge - Pot grown 40-60 cm
- Photinia Red Robin (root balled/pot grown)
- Prunus laurocerasus (RB/PG)
- Prunus lusitanica (pot grown/root balled)
- Ulex Europaeus - pot (9cm)
- Bare Root/Potgrown Hedging
- Materials
- Perennials & Herbs
- Acanthus mollis
- Achillea Moonshine
- Aconitum napellus
- Agapanthus africans
- Ajuga reptans
- Alchemilla mollis
- Allium schoenoprasum
- Anemone ranunculoides
- Anemone Serenade
- Artemisia abrotanum
- Artemisisa absinthium
- Arum italicum
- Aster King George
- Aster Royal Ruby
- Astilbe Peach Blossom
- Astilbe Red
- Astilbe White Gloria
- Astrantia major
- Begonia Merry Christmas
- Bergenia cordifolia
- Bergenia Silver Light
- Buphthalmum salicifolium
- Carex oshimensis
- Centaurea dealbata
- Centaurea montana
- Centrantus ruber
- Cerastium tomentosum
- Chelone obliqua
- Coreopsis verticillata
- Crocosmia Lucifer
- Dianthus Annabelle
- Dianthus deltoides Splendens
- Dicentra spectabilis
- Digitalis purpurea
- Echinops Veitch Blue
- Epimedium rubrum
- Euphorbia wulfenii
- Fuchsia Tom Tumb
- Gaura lindheimeri Pink
- Geranium Endressii
- Geranium Johnsons Blue
- Geranium pratense
- Geum borisii
- Gypsophila Bristol Fairy
- Helenium Moerheim Beauty
- Helenium The Bishop
- Helianthemum Fire Dragon
- Helleboris niger
- Heuchera Palace Purple
- Hosta Aurea Marginata
- Hosta crispula
- Hosta sieboldiana
- Hosta Variegated
- Hyssopus officinalis
- Kniphofia caulescens
- Liatris spicata
- Ligularia dentata
- Ligularia przewalskii
- Lysimachia punctata
- Malva moschata
- Melissa officinalis
- Mentha spicata
- Monarda Cambridge Scarlet
- Nepeta faassenii
- Nepeta Snowflake
- Origanum vulgare
- Pachysandra terminalis
- Papaver orientale
- Petroselinum crispum
- Phlox Bright Eyes
- Phlox Orange Perfection
- Phlox Starfire
- Rosmarinus officinalis
- Salvia officinalis
- Satureja montana
- Scabiosa c Clive Greaves
- Sedum Herbstfreude
- Sedum reflexum
- Sedum Stardust
- Thymus vulgaris
- Trollius Orange Princess
- Verbena Hammestein Pink
- Verbena Homestaed Purple
- Veronica prostata
- Vinca major
- Viola pansies 10 plants
- Shrubs & Climbers
- Shrubs A (Latin name)
- Abelia grandiflora - Potgrown 30-50 cm
- Acanthus mollis - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Acer palmatum Dissectum Potgrown 30-40 cm
- Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - Potgrown
- Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' - Potgrown 40-60 cm
- Acer palmatum - Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Akebia quinata - Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Amelanchier lamarckii - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Aralia elata - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Aucuba japonica - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Azalea Anneke - Root Balled/Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Azalea Glowing Embers - Root Balled/Potgrown
- Azalea Golden Eagle - Root Balled/Potgrown
- Azalea Harvest Moon - Root Balled/Potgrown
- Azalea Homebush - Root Balled/Potgrown
- Azalea Hotspur Red - Root Balled/Potgrown
- Azalea Mathilde - Root Balled/Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Azalea Viscosa - Root Balled/Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Shrubs B
- Berberis atropurpurea - Potgrown, 40-60
- Berberis julianae - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Berberis thunbergii - Potgrown, Ht.40-60 cm
- Buddleja davidii 'Black Knight' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Buddleja davidii 'Empire Blue' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Buddleja davidii 'Pink Delight' - Potgrown 40-60 cm
- Buddleja davidii 'White Ball' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Shrubs C
- Callicarpa bodinieri 'Giraldii' - Potgrown
- Camellia japonica 'Blaze of Glory' - 60-80 cm, Potgrown
- Camellia japonica 'Laura Walker' - 60-80 cm Potgrown
- Caragana arborescens - 40-60 cm Potgrown
- Caryopteris clandonensis 'Heavenly Blue' - Potgrown, 30-40 cm
- Catalpa bignoides 'Purpurea' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Catalpa bignoides 'Aurea' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Ceanothus delilianus 'Gloire de Versaille' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cephalanthus occidentalis - Potgrown, 30-60 cm
- Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Chaenomeles japonica - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Chaenomeles superba 'Fire Dance' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Choisya Aztec Pearl 3L 30-60 cm
- Choisya Sundance 3L 30-60 cm
- Choisya ternata 3L 30-60 cm
- Cistus 'Silver Pink' - Potgrown, 30-40 cm
- Cistus x corbariensis - Potgrown, 30-40 cm
- Cistus x pulverulentus 'Sunset' - Potgrown, 30-40 cm
- Cistus x purpureus - Potgrown, 30-40 cm
- Clematis Dr Ruppel
- Clematis Jackmanii
- Clematis Montana Rubens
- Clematis Multi Blue
- Clematis The President
- Colutea arborescens - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cordyline australis 'Red Star' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cordyline australis 'Sundance' - Potgrown 40-60 cm
- Cornus alba 'Aurea' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cornus alba 'Sibirica' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cornus alba 'Spaethii' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cornus alba - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cornus capitata- Potgrown, 50-100 cm
- Cornus kousa chinensis - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cornus mas - Potgrown 40-60 cm
- Cornus stolonifera 'Flaviramea' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Corylopsis pauciflora - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Corylus avellana 'Contorta' - Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Corylus maxima 'Purpurea' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cotinus coggygria - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cotoneaster dammeri - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cotoneaster franchetti - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cotoneaster simonii - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cotoneaster suecicus 'Coral Beauty' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cytisus 'Goldfinch' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cytisus praecox 'Allgold' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cytisus scoparius 'Burkwoodii' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Cytisus scoparius - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Shrubs D
- Shrubs E&F
- Elaeagnus angustifolia - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Elaeagnus ebbingei - Potgrown
- Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Enkianthus campanulatus - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Escallonia 'Donard Seedling' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Escallonia 'Red Dream' - Potgrown 40-60 cm
- Euonymus alatus - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' - 30cm, Potgrown
- Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gold' - 30cm, Potgrown
- Euphorbia myrsinites - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Euphorbia polychroma - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Exochorda racemosa - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Forsythia intermedia hybrid 'Spectabilis' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Fothergilla major - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Shrubs H
- Hamamelis intermedia 'Ruby Glow' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Hammamelis mollis - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Hebe 'Midsummer Beauty' - Potrown, 20-30 cm
- Hebe pinquifolia - Potgrown, 20-30 cm
- Hedera colchica 'Arborescens' - Pot, 30-50 cm
- Hedera helix 'Arborescens' - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Hedera hibernica - Potgrown
- Hemerocallis 'Crimson Pirate' - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Hibiscus syriacus 'Woodbridge' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Hibiscus syriacus 'Hamabo' - Potgrown 40-60 cm
- Hosta - Potgrown 30-50 cm
- Hydrangea arborescens - Pot, 30-50 cm
- Hydrangea macrophylla 'Masja' - Pot, 30-50 cm
- Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Sky' - Pot, 30-50 cm
- Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bouquet Rose' - Pot, 30-50 cm
- Hydrangea paniculata 'Floribunda' - Pot, 40-60 cm
- Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' - Pot, 40-60 cm
- Hydrangea Petiolaris Climber 90 cm tall
- Hypericum hidcote - Pot, 40-60 cm
- Hypericum moserianum - Pot, 40-60 cm
- Shrubs I&J
- Ilex aquifolium 'Alaska' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Ilex aquifolium 'Silver Queen' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Ilex aquifolium - pot grown/root balled
- Ilex Aureomarginata- Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Ilex crenata 'Convexa' - Potgrown, 30-60 cm
- Ilex crenata Sky Pencil
- Ilex meserveae 'Blue Princess' - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Jasminum nudiflorum - Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Shrubs K
- Shrubs L
- Lavandula angustifolia 'Dwarf Blue' - Potgrown, 30-40 cm
- Lavandula angustifolia - Potgrown, 20-40 cm
- Lavandula Hidcote - Potgrown, 15-20 cm
- Lavatera Rosea potgrown 20 cm
- Lavatera thuringiaca 'Barnsley' - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Leucothoe walteri (fontanesiana) 'Rainbow' - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Leycesteria formosa - Potgrown, 30-40 cm
- Ligustrum 'Vicaryi' - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Ligustrum ovalifolium 'Argenteum' - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Lonicera nitida 20-50 cm Pot grown
- Lonicera pileata - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Shrubs M&O
- Magnolia 'Susan' - Potgrown, 50-80 cm
- Magnolia Grandiflora - Pot grown 40-60 cm
- Magnolia Grandiflora - Pot grown, 100 cm
- Magnolia liliiflora - Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Magnolia loebneri 'Merrill' - Potgrown, 80-100 cm
- Magnolia soulangeana 'Rustica Rubra' - Potgrown, 80-100 cm
- Magnolia soulangeana - Potgrown, 60-80 cm
- Magnolia stellata - Potgrown, 40-60 cm
- Mahonia aquifolium - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Mahonia japonica 'Bealei' - Potgrown
- Mahonia media 'Winter Sun' - Pot, 40-60 cm
- Myrica gale Ht.30-50 cm
- Osmanthus burkwoodii - Potgrown, 30-50 cm
- Shrubs A (Latin name)
- Specimen & Big Plants
- Abies fraserii - Root balled/Potgrown 180/220 cm
- Acer 'Shishigashira' - In Pot - 100/150 cm
- Acer palmatum - Root balled/Potgrown - 150-180 Cm
- Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - Root balled/Pottgrown - 150/180
- Acer palmatum Bloodgood - Root balled/Potgrown- 180/200 cm
- Acer palmatum Butterfly - Root balled/Potgrown - 150/180 cm
- Arbutus Unedo 80/120 cm Potgrown
- Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' 120-150 cm Root balled/Potgrown
- Camellia varieties 175-220 cm in Potgrown
- Ceanothus specimen 60-100 cm
- Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy - Root balled/Potgrown - 150/200
- Cordyline australis 200 cm Potgrown
- Cornus capitata- Potgrown, 150-180 cm
- Cornus controversa Variegata- Potgrown, 150-180 cm
- Cornus kousa Chinensis - Potgrown, 150-180 cm
- Cornus mas- Pot grown, 150-180 cm
- Cornus Siberica 140-180 cm Specimen
- Corylus av. Contorta 140-180 cm Potgrown
- Elaeagnus pungens Maculata 120-140 cm Potgrown
- Elaeagnus x ebbingei Gilt Edge 120-150 cm Potgrown
- Eriobotrya japonica 140-180 cm PG
- Euonymus alatus - 125-150 cm Pot grown
- Euonymus japonicus Aureus 150-180 cm Potgrown
- Hamamelis Arnold Promise 150 cm Pot grown
- Hamamelis Mollis 200 cm Pot grown
- Ilex altaclarensis Golden King 150-180 cm RB/Pot grown
- Ilex altaclarensis Golden King 220-240 cm RB/Pot grown
- Ilex aquifolium Silver Variegatum 100-140 cm Root balled/ Pogrown
- Ilex aquifolium Silver Variegatum - Root balled/ Potgrown 150 cm
- Ilex aquifolium specimen Root Balled/Pot grown 200/240 cm
- Ilex crenata 'Fastigiata' specimen 120-150 cm Root balled/ Potted
- Ilex x meserveae Blue Prince 100/140 cm RB/PG
- Laurus nobilis Root balled/Potted
- Ligustrum Ovalifolium Specimen 2,5-2,8 M Root balled
- Ligustrum vulgare Atrovirens 240/270 cm RB/Potgrown
- Loropetalum Fire Dance 240-260 cm Potgrown
- Magnolia grand. 'Gallissoniensis' 200-240 cm Root balled/ Potted
- Magnolia varieties 200-240 cm Root balled/ Potgrown
- Phormium tenax Variegatum 125/150 cm Potted
- Prunus ceracifera Nigra 200-240 cm Potgrown
- Ptelea trifoliata Aurea - Root balled/Potted - 180/200 cm
- Rhododendron Duke of York Root balled 140 cm
- Rhododendron Grandiflorum Root balled 150/180 cm
- Rhododendron Lady Annette De Trafford - Root Balled/Pot, 120-150
- Rhododendron Roseum Root balled 150/180 cm
- Sambucus Black Lace 150-180 cm RB/PG
- Sambucus Black Lace 200-240 cm PG
- Syringa James Macfarlane 175-200 cm Potgrown/Root balled
- Viburnum Lantana 150/180 cm RB/PG
- Viburnum Opulus 120/180 cm RB/PG
- Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' - Root balled/ Potted - 100/120 cm
- Viburnum tinus Root balled/ Potted - 125/150 cm
- Topiary Shapes
- Buxus Ball
- Buxus cube Rootballed/Potgrown
- Buxus Sempervirens Cone
- Buxus Sempervirens Spiral
- Cupressocyparis Golden spiral 160-180 cm Potgrown
- Cupressocyparis Green Spiral 180-200 cm Potgrown
- Fagus beech ball 60 cm
- Fagus beech square column 225 cm RB/PG
- Hydrangea Limelight on stem 150 cm
- Ilex Aureovariegata Cone 125 cm
- Ilex Blue Angel Ball RB/PG
- Ilex Silver Var Ball 50 cm on stem 100 cm
- Laurus nobilis Cone 140/170 cm PG
- Ligustrum delavayanum Ball 45cm on stem 100 cm
- Ligustrum delavayanum Pompon
- Osmanthus ball 70 cm RB/PG
- Photinia Cone 140 cm RB/PG
- Photinia lollipop 45-50 cm on stem 180 cm
- Photinia Pompon
- Photinia Red Robin Ball 45cm on stem 100 cm
- Taxus baccata square Column RB/PG
- Taxus ball
- Taxus Beehive
- Taxus Beehive on stem
- Taxus Cone, pot grown / root balled
- Taxus cube
- Taxus cushion
- Taxus pyramid
- Viburnum Tinus Ball on stem 100 cm
- Trees
- Trees A
- Acacia Baileyana 1-1,4 metre , Pot grown
- Acacia dealbata 1,8/2,20 metre , Pot grown
- Acer campestre 200-240 cm RB/Potgrown
- Acer campestre 300 cm Potgrown
- Acer campestre 240-270 cm RB/Potgrown
- Acer capillipes - 200 cm Potgrown
- Acer cappadocicum Rubrum 200 cm Potgrown
- Acer Columnare, 2-2,5m pot grown
- Acer Davidii 200 cm Potgrown
- Acer ginnala 2.4-2,8 m Pot grown
- Acer ginnala - 1.80-2.40 m ,Pot grown
- Acer griseum 200 cm RB/Pot grown
- Acer griseum Half Standard 180/220
- Acer negundo Flamingo 240-280 cm RB/Pot grown
- Acer negundo Flamingo 1.80-2.40 M RB/Potgrown
- Acer palmatum Sango-Kaku Potgrown 175/200 cm
- Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' - 1.80-2.00 m , Pot grown
- Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' - 200/240 cm , Pot grown
- Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' - 240-270 cm Pot grown
- Acer platanoides 'Globosum', 2-2,4 m Potgrown
- Acer platanoides 'Globosum', Half Standard Potgrown
- Acer platanoides, 240-260 cm - Potgrown
- Acer pseudoplatanus 'Leopoldii' - 1.80-2.40 m , Pot grown.
- Acer pseudoplatanus 'Leopoldii' - 240-260 cm RB/ Pot Grown
- Acer pseudoplatanus, 240-260 cm - pot grown
- Acer rubrum - 1.80-2.40 m, Potgrown
- Acer saccharinum - 220-250 cm RB/Potgrown
- Acer saccharum, 220-260 cm Potgrown
- Aesculus carnea Briotii, 150 cm Pot grown
- Aesculus hippocastanum - RB/Potgrown
- Albiza julibrissin - 2.50-3.00 m RB/Pot grown
- Alnus cordata, 2,4- 2,6 m - Potgrown
- Alnus glutinosa Pyramidalis, 2,4-2,6 metre - Root balled
- Alnus glutinosa, 180-240 cm - Potgrown
- Alnus glutinosa, 200-240 cm - RB/PG
- Alnus glutinosa, 240-260 cm - Potgrown
- Amelanchier tree , 180-240 cm -RB/Potgrown
- Amelanchier tree , 240-270 cm Potgrown
- Aralia elata - 180 cm Potgrown
- Trees B
- Betula albosinensis 2-2,5 metre RB/Potgrown
- Betula jacquemontii 1.80-2.40 m Potgrown
- Betula jacquemontii 3/3,5 metre RB/Potgrown
- Betula jacquemontii 4 metre RB/Potgrown
- Betula pendula, 150/180cm RB/Potgrown
- Betula pendula, 2.0-2,5 m - Potgrown
- Betula pendula, 3-4 m - RB/ Potgrown
- Betula pubescens, 3-4 m - RB/Potgrown
- Broussonetia papyrifera 250-300 cm PG/RB
- Trees Boxhead
- Trees C&D
- Callistemon laevis 100-150 cm Potgrown
- Callistemon viminalis 150-180 cm Potgrown
- Caragana arborescens, 2 m - RB/Potgrown
- Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' RB/Potgrown
- Carpinus betulus Tree, RB/Potgrown
- Catalpa bignonioides , 2-2,4 m - Potgrown
- Catalpa bignonioides Aurea 200/250 cm Pot grown
- Cercidiphyllum japonicum 200/250 Potgrown
- Cercis siliquastrum 180/200 cm Potgrown
- Cercis siliquastrum 200/250 cm Pot grown
- Cercis siliquastrum 240/+ cm Potgrown
- Cornus florida Rainbow 250/300 cm Root balled
- Cornus florida Rubra 250/300 cm Root balled
- Cornus kousa 250/300 cm Root Balled
- Cornus mas tree 250/300 cm RB/Potgrown
- Corylus avellana Contorta, 150-180 cm - Potgrown
- Cotinus coggygria Green Tree 240-280 cm RB/PG
- Cotinus Royal Purple tree 240-280 cm RB/PG
- Crataegus laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet'
- Crataegus monogyna, 2,5-2,8m - RB/Pot grown
- Davidia involucrata 2,00/2,50 m Potgrown
- Trees E&F
- Fagus sylvatica Purpurea Tree 200/240 cm Potgrown,
- Fagus sylvatica Purpurea Tree, 2,4-26 m - Potgrown
- Fagus sylvatica Purpurea Tree180/220 cm Pot grown
- Fagus sylvatica Tree Potgrown 180-220 cm
- Fagus sylvatica Dawyck 200/250 cm Pot grown
- Fagus sylvatica Dawyck Gold 200/250 cm Pot grown
- Fagus sylvatica Dawyck Purple 200/250 cm Pot grown
- Fagus sylvatica Laciniata 200/250 cm Pot grown
- Fagus sylvatica Purpurea Tree 3-4 metre Potgrown/RB
- Fagus sylvatica Tree, 3-4m - Pot grown
- Trees Evergreen
- Arbutus Unedo 200/240 cm RB/Potgrown
- Eleagnus pungens Macculata Tree 240- 260 cm
- Eucalyptus coccifera, 100/150 cm - Pot grown
- Eucalyptus gunnii, Potgrown
- Ilex Aquifolium Tree (pot grown/root balled)
- Ilex Golden Variegated Tree (pot grown/root balled)
- Ilex Nellie Stevens Tree (pot grown/root balled)
- Laurus nobilis Tree 280/320 cm PG
- Magnolia Grandiflora Half Standard
- Magnolia Grandiflora RB/ Potgrown 240/280 cm
- Magnolia Grandiflora- RB/ Potgrown 280/+ cm
- Olea olive tree 140 cm Capricious
- Olea Olive Tree 150 cm
- Olea Olive Tree 200 cm
- Olive tree 230 cm
- Photinia Red Robin tree
- Photinia Red Robin Trees Half Standard
- Prunus lusitanica laurel Tree, , RB/Pot grown
- Quercus Ilex tree 180-220 cm Potgrown
- Taxus tree 260/280 cm RB/Potgrown
- Trees G&J
- Ginkgo biloba - 1.80-2.40 m , Pot grown
- Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst' - Pot grown 2-2,5 metre
- Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst' - 180/200 cm RB/Pot grown
- Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst', 2,6-2,8 m - RB/Pot grown
- Gymnocladus dioicus - RB/Pot grown 2-2,5 metre
- Juglans nigra - 1.80-2.40 m , Potgrown
- Juglans regia, 2,5-2,7 m - pot grown
- Juglans regia, 200/250 cm Pot grown
- Trees L
- Laburnum watereri 'Vossii' - RB/Potgrown 180-220 cm
- Laburnum watereri 'Vossii', 2,4-2,6 m - RB/pot grown
- Lagerstroemia indica 230-250 cm Pot grown
- Liquidambar styraciflua, 2,4-2,6 m - RB/pot grown
- Liquidambar styraciflua, 2-2,4 m - RB/Pot grown
- Liriodendron Fastigiata, 2-2,4 m - pot grown
- Liriodendron tulipifera, 2,4-2,6 m - pot grown
- Trees M
- Magnolia kobus - Root balled/ Potgrown 240-260+ cm
- Magnolia soulangeana/ Potgrown 240/+ cm
- Malus 'John Downie' - 2,4-2,6 M RB/Potgrown
- Malus 'John Downie', 1,8-2 m - pot grown
- Malus 'Red Sentinel' - 1.80-2.40 m, RB/Potgrown
- Malus Crab Apple 180/240 cm RB/Potgrown
- Malus Evereste 240-260 cm RB/Potgrown
- Malus Royalty- 2,00-2.40 m, Pot grown
- Mespilus germanica - 1.80-2.40 m , RB/Potgrown
- Morus Alba - 2,4-2,6 m , Pot grown
- Morus Alba - 2.00-2.40 m , Pot grown
- Morus nigra 240 cm RB/Potgrown
- Trees Multi stem
- Acer campestre - 200/250 cm Multistam
- Acer griseum - 200/250 cm Multistam
- Acer japonicum Aconitifolium 200-250 cm Multistem
- Acer palmatum Brown Sugar 200/250 cm Multistam
- Acer palmatum Kokane Nishiki Multistem 200-250 cm
- Amelanchier Ballerina Multistem 220-260 cmRB/Potgrown
- Amelanchier lamarkii Multistem RB/Potgrown
- Aralia 180/220 cm multistem
- Arbutus unedo 180/200 cm multistem
- Betula Doorenbos/Snow Queen Multi stem 200 - 240 cm tall
- Betula jacquemontii Multistem RB/Potgrown
- Betula Nigra Multi stem 250 - 270 cm tall
- Betula pendula Multistem RB/Potgrown
- Catalpa bignonioides Aurea Multi stem 200/250 cm Pot grown
- Cercis siliquastrum Multi stem 220-240 cm tall
- Cornus kousa 250 cm multistem
- Corylus avellana, 150-200 cm - RB Multistem
- Crataegus x lavallei 180-240 cm - RB Multistem
- Gleditsia skyline Multi stem 200-250 cm RB/PG
- Malus evereste Multi stem 240 - 270 cm tall
- Osmanthus Burkwoodii Multistem 100 cm
- Phillyrea angustifolia Multi stem 200 cm in pot
- Photinia Red Robin multi stem 250 cm Trees
- Prunus autumnalis Rosea Multi stem 220-240 cm in Pot
- Prunus Kanzan Multi stem 175-220 cm in Pot
- Prunus serrula Multi stem 220-240 cm in Pot
- Quercus Ilex multistem 160-200 cm Potgrown
- Salix caprea Multistem 200-250 cm
- Sophora Japonica Multi stem Tree PG 200/250 cm
- Sorbus Dodong Multi stem Tree RB 200/250 cm
- Styrax japonicus 250-300 cm multistem
- Tamarix pentandra Multi stem 200-250 cm tall
- Trees A
- Abies koreana 100 cm RB / Pot grown
- Abies koreana 150 cm RB / Pot grown
- Abies koreana 170 cm RB / Pot grown
- Abies koreana 200 cm RB / Pot grown
- Abies nobilis pack x mas transplants
- Abies nobilis pack x mas transplants
- Abies nobilis pack x mas transplants
- Abies nobilis pack 50 x mas pg cells
- Abies nordmanniana pack 3yr
- Abies nordmanniana pack 50 x mas
- Abies Nordmanniana RB/Potgrown
- Abies Nordmanniana RB/Potgrown
- Abies Nordmanniana RB/Potgrown
- Abies Nordmanniana RB/Potgrown
- Abies Nordmanniana RB/Potgrown
- Abies Nordmanniana RB/Potgrown
- Abies nordmanniana 4yr pack 50 x mas transplants 20-30 cm
- Abies nordmanniana 4yr pack 50 x mas transplants 30-50 cm
- Acer campestre 2,5M Pleached
- Acer campestre Pleached 280 cm tall RB/Potgrown
- Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - pot 40-60 cm
- Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - Potgrown 80-120 cm
- Acer palmatum Garnet Potgrown 200 cm
- Aesculus hippocastanum 100-160 cm
- Amelanchier lamarkii Multistem 240/260 cm RB/Potgrown
- Amelanchier lamarkii Multistem 200/240 cm RB/Potgrown
- Amelanchier lamarkii Multistem 100/150 cm RB/Potgrown
- Amelanchier lamarkii Multistem 150/180 cm RB/Potgrown
- Amelanchier lamarkii Multistem 180/200 cm RB/Potgrown
- Amelanchier lamarkii Multistem 260/300 cm RB/Potgrown
- Amelanchier lamarkii Multistem 300/340 cm RB/Potgrown
- Amelanchier Pleached 280 cm tall RB/Pot grown
- Araucaria araucana 40-60 cm Root balled/Potgrown
- Araucaria araucana 100/120 cm - Root balled/Potgrown
- Araucaria araucana 15/20 cm Root balled/Potgrown
- Araucaria araucana 150/200 cm - Root balled/Potgrown
- Araucaria araucana 20/40 cm Root balled/Potgrown
- Araucaria araucana 200/220 cm Root balled/Potgrown
- Araucaria araucana 300/340 cm Root balled/Potgrown
- Araucaria araucana 60-90 cm Root balled/Potgrown
- Azalea Glowing Embers - Root Balled/Pot 30-40 cm
- Azalea Glowing Embers - Root Balled/Pot 40-60 cm
- Azalea Glowing Embers - Root Balled/Pot 60-80 cm
- Azalea Glowing Embers - Root Balled/Pot 80-120 cm
- Azalea Golden Eagle - Root Balled/Pot 30-40 cm
- Azalea Golden Eagle - Root Balled/Pot 40-60 cm
- Azalea Golden Eagle - Root Balled/Pot 60-80 cm
- Azalea Golden Eagle - Root Balled/Pot 80-120 cm
- Azalea Harvest Moon - Root Balled/Pot 30-40 cm
- Azalea Harvest Moon - Root Balled/Pot 60-80 cm
- Azalea Homebush - Root Balled/Pot 40-60 cm
- Azalea Homebush - Root Balled/Pot 60-80 cm
- Azalea Hotspur Red - Root Balled/Pot 40-60 cm
- Azalea Hotspur Red - Root Balled/Pot 60-80 cm
- Betula jacquemontii Multistem RB/Potgrown
- Betula jacquemontii Multistem RB/Potgrown
- Betula jacquemontii Multistem RB/Potgrown
- Betula pendula 'Tristis' - 1.80-2.40 m , RB/Pot Grown
- Betula pendula 'Tristis' - 2,40-2,60 m , Potgrown/Root balled
- Betula pendula Multistem RB/Potgrown
- Betula pendula Multistem RB/Potgrown
- Betula pendula Multistem 180 cm RB/Potgrown
- Betula pendula Multistem 280 - 320 cm RB/Potgrown
- Betula pendula Youngii - 1.80-2.40 m , RB/Potgrown
- Betula/Birch Pleached 300 cm Pot grown/RB
- Buxus Ball 100 cm
- Buxus Ball 20 cm
- Buxus Ball 30 cm
- Buxus Ball 40 cm
- Buxus Ball 50 cm
- Buxus Ball 60 cm
- Buxus Ball 70 cm
- Buxus Ball 80 cm
- Buxus Ball 90 cm
- Buxus cube Rootballed/Potgrown
- Buxus cube Rootballed/Potgrown
- Buxus cube Rootballed/Potgrown
- Buxus cube Rootballed/Potgrown
- Buxus cube Rootballed/Potgrown
- Buxus cube Rootballed/Potgrown
- Buxus cube Rootballed/Potgrown
- Buxus Faulkner
- Buxus Faulkner
- Buxus Sempervirens (bare root) 15 -20 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (bare root) 20-30 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (bare root) 30-50 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (pot grown) 10-20 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (pot grown) 20-30 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (RB/ pot grown) 100-120 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (RB/ pot grown) 120-140 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (RB/ pot grown) 140-160 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (RB/ pot grown) 160-180 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (RB/ pot grown) 30-40 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (RB/ pot grown) 40-60 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (RB/ pot grown) 60-80 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens (RB/ pot grown) 80-100 cm
- Buxus Sempervirens Cone
- Buxus Sempervirens Cone
- Buxus Sempervirens Cone
- Buxus Sempervirens Cone
- Buxus Sempervirens Cone
- Buxus Sempervirens Cone
- Buxus Sempervirens Cone
- Buxus Sempervirens Cone
- Buxus Sempervirens Spiral
- Buxus Sempervirens Spiral
- Buxus Sempervirens Spiral
- Buxus Sempervirens Spiral
- Buxus Sempervirens Spiral
- Callicarpa bodinieri 'Giraldii' - Pot 40-60 cm
- Callicarpa bodinieri 'Giraldii' - Pot 80-100 cm
- Carpinus Pleached 350 cm Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus betulus
- Carpinus betulus
- Carpinus betulus
- Carpinus betulus
- Carpinus betulus
- Carpinus betulus
- Carpinus betulus
- Carpinus betulus
- Carpinus betulus
- Carpinus betulus 200-240 cm Potgrown
- Carpinus betulus 40-60 cellgrown
- Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata'
- Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' RB/Potgrown
- Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' RB/Potgrown
- Carpinus betulus 140-175 cm Potgrown
- Carpinus betulus 175-200 cm Potgrown
- Carpinus betulus 1M Trough 180-200 cm tall
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 210 cm RB/Pot grown
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 240 cm RB/Pot grown
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 245 cm RB/Pot grown
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 250 cm Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 280 cm Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 290 cm Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 300 cm Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 300 cm Half standart Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 300 cm RB
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 340 cm Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 4M Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus betulus Pleached 5 M Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus betulus quarter st. Pleached 240 cm RB/Pot grown
- Carpinus betulus Tree , RB/Potgrown
- Carpinus betulus Tree, RB/Potgrown
- Carpinus betulus Tree, RB/Potgrown
- Carpinus Low Pleached 2M tall Pot grown/RB
- Carpinus Pleached 300 cm discounted
- Cedrus atlantica Glauca Potgrown
- Cedrus atlantica Glauca Potgrown
- Cedrus atlantica Glauca Potgrown
- Cedrus atlantica Glauca Potgrown
- Cedrus atlantica Glauca Potgrown
- Cedrus atlantica Glauca Potgrown
- Cedrus atlantica Glauca Potgrown
- Cedrus deodara RB/Pot grown
- Cedrus deodara RB/Pot grown
- Cedrus deodara RB/Pot grown
- Cedrus deodara RB/Pot grown
- Cedrus deodara RB/Pot grown
- Cedrus deodara RB/Pot grown
- Cedrus deodara Aurea RB/Potgrown
- Cedrus deodara Aurea RB/Potgrown
- Cedrus libanii
- Cedrus libanii
- Cedrus libanii
- Cedrus libanii
- Cedrus libanii
- Cedrus libanii
- Cedrus libanii
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Columnaris'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ivonne
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ivonne'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ivonne'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ivonne'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ivonne'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ivonne'
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ivonne'
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