- +44 20 8144 9907
- Mon - Sat 9:00 AM - 6.00 PM / Closed on Sunday
Thuja plicata, bare root
Western red cedar, Giant arborvitae, Western arbovitae.(bare root)
Bare root plants available october - half April period
Plants have a bushyness of approx, 30% in comparison with root balled or potgrown trees.
Please use 4 per meter in a single row and 5 in a double row.
This is a common tree in the Northwest, with dark green lacy, scale-like leaves, turning bonze in the winter. It is used extensively as a source of timber, and grows well in cool moist soils and will need partial shade in hot inland areas. Once it is established (in native areas), it will need no water. They will tolerate the cold, and will grow well in well drained soil, they prefer full sun and dislike dry conditions.
(For pot grown/root balled please see below)Minimum order is 25 plants (per size)

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