- +44 20 8144 9907
- Mon - Sat 9:00 AM - 6.00 PM / Closed on Sunday
Trees from Greenhills Nursery Ltd
Greenhills nursery Ltd trees are listed with there Latin names starting in this section with A. You will find a wide beautiful selection of maple trees such as field maple, snake bark maple, paper bark maple. flamingo maple and lots of other very nice trees. Garden trees, containerised trees, large trees.bare root trees , multi stems and many others. Cannot find your requirement listed, please ask us on 02081449907 .
Trees A
Albiza julibrissin - 2.50-3.00 m RB/Pot grown
Persian silk tree
Alnus cordata, 2,4- 2,6 m - Potgrown
Italian alder.
Alnus glutinosa Pyramidalis, 2,4-2,6 metre - Root balled
Black alder Pyramid
Alnus glutinosa, 180-240 cm - Potgrown
Black alder.
Alnus glutinosa, 200-240 cm - RB/PG
Black alder.
Alnus glutinosa, 240-260 cm - Potgrown
Black alder.
Amelanchier tree , 180-240 cm -RB/Potgrown
Service berry.
Amelanchier tree , 240-270 cm Potgrown
Service berry.
Aralia elata - 180 cm Potgrown
Aralia elata
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